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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Livethesource, The Symbiotic Diet: Activity = Success Part 2

The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource Recap Of Yesterday

To recap breifly...with both Livethesource and the symbiotic diet, activity will be the key to your success if you are looking at this from a business prospective.  The people who succeed in this business, do so because of activity. Lots of the right activity.

If you would like to read the first part of this article you can find it in either the post right before this on on the website that you are on or go to this link livethesource & The Symbiotic Diet

You will probably be making a six-figure income or more per year, and you will have freedom over your life never having to worry about a layoff again or your boss again.  If you want to go do something in the middle of the day with your family you can.

If you want to take the family to Disney World for a week and everybody else is working.  You can. If you want to sleep in and wake up when you are rested instead of when some mechanical rooster say to get up …. You can. If you want to travel around the country with kids before they get older… You can.

The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource Can Give You Freedom

It's all about freedom, but to have that freedom.  You need to have discipline to do the livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet business now, and reap the rewards later. It is the universal law of sowing and reaping. You can’t reap the harvest of corn if you don’t plant any seeds.

The Symbiotic Diet Business Will Require WORK!

 If you aren’t willing to do the extra work then continue working  at your job for the next 40 + years. Working all those hours every week, fighting the traffic, dealing with the stress, arrive home to eat, watch some TV then go to bed and wake up to do it all over again tomorrow. Oh and make sure that you stop and pick up some lottery tickets on the way home because we all know that some day you will hit it big and you will be able to leave that job that you hate …. Yeah Right!

 If this is the life that you want then I wish you the best. It just doesn’t seem like much of a life to me.
This post may have been a little rough but you need someone to tell it to you like it is.

You really need to think about where your life is going and where it could go with Livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet.

What ever you decide, I wish you the best.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet : Activity = Success

With both Livethesource and the symbiotic diet, activity will be the key to your success if you are looking at this from a business prospective.  The people who succeed in this business, do so because of activity. Lots of the right activity

Many people are confused about activity, and they think that somehow reorganizing their company binders alphabetizing the products on the shelf or going to seminars is activity.

Yes that is activity, but it's not the kind of activity that will grow your business.  You will need to focus on the money making activities that will bring you an income with livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet

I have a question that I always ask myself,  “is what I'm doing right now goal achieving or just stress relieving”.  Most of the time, we tend to gravitate toward the things that are stress relieving like alphabetizing all our products on the shelves.

If you're constantly asking yourself that question about whether your activity is goal achieving or stress relieving it will help you to figure out the difference between the two and you will start moving forward with your business.  For this to be effective though, when you ask yourself this question.  You need to be brutally honest with the answers.

To succeed with Livethesource the Vitamin D3 Booster and The Symbiotic Diet you will need to have a habit of daily activity, multiplied by weekly activity, multiplied by monthly activity. If you do this, you can achieve any realistic goal that you set with your livethesource business.  But the choice is up to you.

If you want to have the money, have the prospects, to be a better closer, to be a master recruiter, have the residual income, and to achieve the goals.  The answer is obvious, you need to do it with the right kind of activity.

If you want make a six-figure income with Livethesource or The Symbiotic Diet here is what it will take.  It will take working this business on a part-time basis for five to six nights a week.

Some of you are thinking wow.  That's a lot of work, and I would say to that yes, it is a lot work but let's take a look at the track that most people are on today.  Most people today put in 40 to 50 hours a week for 40 to 45 years with several different employers for an average paycheck up about 45,000 a year.

Now let's take a look at the track, you could be on. After an eight hour day of work you could come home and work an extra three to four hours a night with Livethesource or The Symbiotic Diet.  Will it be easy? NO!  but if you do this consistently for two to five years you will more than likely be a free man or a free woman.
This was Part 1 of a 2 part article. The other part of this artice will be posted tomorrow or the day after and you will be able to find it at

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Symbiotic Diet - A Viedo That Makes You Think

Hi Everyone,

Well it looks like as the big day approaches on October 15 when Livethesource will launch the new product that everyone has been talking about, The Symbiotic Diet we are starting to see more and more stuff leak out about this amazing product that actually uses the brain to combat the battle of our buldge ;o)

Anyway here is a video that I ran across telling you why The Symbiotic Diet is different and how the the simbiotic diet works.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Symbiotic Diet : Your Last Diet

 The symbiotic diet works very differently than any other diet
product that has ever been available before.The symbiotic diet is a revolutionary break through in health and wellness  It all starts with the brain because according to Dr. Kenneth Blum who discovered the genes responsible for ALL addictive behaviors, “Controlling excessive cravings for food starts in and is regulated by your brain and must be permitted by your genes.”

It is amazing how much money Americans have been spending every year on diet products that don't work. As a mater of fact they spend about 46 Billion last year ..... yikes thats a lot of money for diets that don't work. Now you can see just one of the reasons that I am so excited about the symbiotic diet.